Education continues to be in the middle of all supply chains around the world. In fact the 125 future cities all leverage education as the determining factor within the rankings. In addition, the global sustainability report for each city around the world leverages three education factors to determine each Nation's level of sustainability. With education being in the center of access to talent, the future smart-cities, and a Nation's sustainability, it only makes sense why education should be driving supply chains and Blockchains. Blockchain in education has finally taken off among leading universities such as MIT, Oxford, Stanford and Oral Roberts University. Michael Mathews will be challenging the audience on the real force of energy and why Bockchain is in the center of this energy through education. Oral Roberts University in partnership with the Education Conference Network became instrumental in how the U.S. Department of Education and the American Council on Education held two Blockchain Summits and supported six major initiatives across education.